2-day seminar with Daverick Leggett

Healing foods and TCM

Helbredende mad og TCM

Begge dage har til formål at give en stærk praktisk og effektiv tilgang til studerende og praktikere, der ønsker at tilbyde kostvejledning i deres kliniske praksis. Man kan også deltage på kurset for at støtte op sin egen sundhed og sygdomsforebyggelse.

Seminaret fokuserer på forståelse af sund kost og sunde spisevaner ud fra et kinesisk medicinsk synspunkt med udgangspunkt i kostens sammensætning her i det 21. århundrede. Det gælder også det, der kan virke forvirrende som f.eks. hvede, sukker, kaffe, mælkeprodukter og fordele og bagdele ved moderne kost.

Daverick vil fortælle om forståelsen for kostens energietiske temperatur, retninger, smage og aktioner samt hvilke madopskrifter og kost der passer de enkelte ubalancemønstre i TCM.

Han vil:

  • Beskrive de mest nyttige kost-anbefalinger.
  • Beskrive hvordan maden bedst tilberedes.
  • Lave lister over gavnlige fødevarer til hver tilstand
  • Fortælle om nyttige vestlige kosttilskud
  • Give opskrifter der kan benyttes til ubalancemønstrene.

Nedenfor kan du læse på engelsk hvad programmet er for de to dage.

Kurset er på et let forståeligt engelsk, og der vil være oversættelse efter behov.

Day 1 TCM Nutrition: Principles

This workshop will focus on the understanding of healthy diet and healthy eating patterns from the viewpoint of traditional Chinese medicine.

How we eat is seen as just as important as what we eat, perhaps more so. Advice on how to eat is embedded both within Chinese medicine and Chinese culture. This day is primarily an exploration of the “how” of eating.

We will look at key elements of traditional advice such as the value of eating less or of chewing more or adjusting our diet to the time of day and the season and how such ideas are supported by western science. We will look at how we can develop habits which support and strengthen our digestive system and how our eating choices can protect our Vital Substances

During the day we will also consider some of the questions that concern and perhaps confuse us in twenty-first century western culture such as the issue of wheat, dairy, coffee and sugar and the pros and cons of some modern dietary trends.

Towards the end of the day we will look at the essential structure of nutritional understanding in Chinese medicine. This involves exploring the concepts of food natures such as temperature, flavour, route and action and what this means in practice.

Day 2 TCM Nutrition: Practice

This workshop will focus on nutritional approaches to the major syndromes identified by TCM and will give participants a strategy for formulating nutritional advice. We will cover the following:

  • identifying the most useful dietary recommendations
  • selecting appropriate temperatures and flavours
  • selecting appropriate cooking methods
  • creating lists of beneficial foods for each condition
  • useful western supplements
  • creating recipes

We will look at the practical realities of giving nutritional advice and share what works in practice. We will look at sample case studies illustrating the various syndromes. There will also be opportunities during the workshop for participants to ask about their own clients, family or themselves.

Daverick har lavet de plakater mange akupunktører har hængende med ’the energetics of food’, og er forfatter til flere bøger om kostens helbredende virkning set i lyset af kinesisk medicin. Han begyndte egentlig sin karriere som landmand, gartner og skolelærer før han vendte hjertet mod akupunktur og kinesisk medicin. Igennem de sidste tre årtier har han undervist i TCM og kost i USA og hele Europa, og nu er vi så heldige at få ham til Danmark. Du kan læse mere om ham her.

Daverick Leggett

Born and bred in southern England, Daverick Leggett began his working life as a farmer and gardener.  After several formative years living close to the earth, he worked as a teacher in the state education system before beginning a career as a shiatsu practitioner in the early 80’s.

Through shiatsu he was introduced to both Qigong and Food Energetics, the two areas which were to become his lifework.

He runs several Qigong trainings throughout southwest England ranging from regular classes through to summer camps. His books on nutrition are standard works for many acupuncture and oriental medicine schools and he is a frequent lecturer at conferences and acupuncture schools.

The titles of his two books (Helping Ourselves and Recipes for Self-Healing) contain the essential intent of his work: finding ways of helping people to help themselves to deeper health and more vibrant living.

He is well known both for his pragmatic and accessible teaching of oriental nutrition, and for his ability to help people directly experience the subtle world of Qi.


Næste kursus er i 2026



