2 dages seminar i 5 element diagnose og Shen behandling
Deepening Five Element diagnosis and treatment of patients’ underlying constitutional imbalance and the Shen spirit
Angela & John Hicks er grundlæggere af College of Integrated Chinese Medicine i Reading I England. De har begge praktiseret akupunktur siden 1970´erne, først med udgangspunkt i 5 element akupunktur og senere TCM og kinesisk urtemedicin med klinisk træning i Kina. Sammen har de skrevet bøgerne Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture og Healing your Emotions, og begge har forfattet flere bøger om akupunktur og urtemedicin.
Det en stor ære at få dem på besøg på skolen i København, og vi ser frem til et brag af et indsigtsfuldt og meningsfuldt seminar.
Course description
In this seminar John and Angela Hicks will teach you some key skills involved in diagnosing and treating patients at a deep level.
When diagnosing a patient’s underlying constitutional imbalance, the ability to interact with each emotion is key to finding which of the Five Elements is the most imbalanced. The process is often called ‘emotion testing’ and in this seminar John Hicks will demonstrate this skill. Participants will take part in demonstrations ensuring that they understand the ‘test’ and develop the relevant skills themselves.
Angela Hicks will then be teaching you how to treat the constitutional imbalance as well as how to fine tune your ability to diagnose the level of the spirit and how to use spirit points in treatment.
By the end of this seminar you will be able to:
- Understand a methodology and procedure used to set up, evaluate and deliver emotion ‘tests’ on your patients
- Have more ways to diagnose and treat the spirit as well as increase your ability to select and needle points on the underlying constitutional imbalance
29.-30. april 2020 fra kl. 9.30 – 16.30
2.800,- kr. for begge dage.
Tilmelding på knappen nedenfor eller:
Email: mail@kbh-aku.dk
Telefon: (+45) 53883839